THERMOZONES Full Range Thermocouple

THERMOZONES Full Range Thermocouple
THERMOZONES Full Range Industrial Process Thermocouples Inclusive Of Type Pt-100,K,J,T,E,R,S,N,G,C,D,U

THERMOZONES dealing with a wide selection of custom and standard designed industrial thermocouples to meet the requirements of the most demanding process applications in the world such as steel processing, turbine and diesel engine temperature measurement, and chemical processing. In addition, THERMOZONES also built for commercial applications such as for foodservice, packaging, and semiconductor processing. These thermocouple temperature sensors are assembled under rigid quality control standards per ANSI specifications.THERMOZONES can assist you with custom designed industrial thermocouples for your application

A thermocouple is a sensor for measuring temperature. It consists of two dissimilar metal wires, joined at one end and connected to a thermocouple thermometer or other thermocouple-capable device at the other end. When properly configured, thermocouples can provide temperature measurements over wide range of temperatures.

Known for their versatility as a temperature sensors, thermocouples can be found in a variaty of styles, such as thermocouple probes, thermocouple probes with connectors, transition joint thermocouple probes, infrared thermocouples, bare wire thermocouple or even just thermocouple wire. 

They are commonly used on a wide range of applications - from an industrial usage thermocouple to a regular thermocouple found on utilities and regular appliances. Due to their wide range of models and technical specifications, it is extremely important to understand its basic structure, functionality, ranges as to better determine what is the right type and material of thermocouple for your application. 

Mineral Insulated Thermocouples TDC Styles

Mineral insulated thermocouple temperature sensors are manufactured with compacted mineral insulation (MgO) housed in a stainless steel or alloy sheath that protects the thermocouple element from the application environment. This construction provides an incredibly durable design that can be adapted to a wide variety of applications.

Base Metal Thermowell Assemblies TDW Styles

Thermowell temperature sensors are manufactured from drilled bar stock and have threaded NPT process connections or flanges for direct immersion into high pressure or corrosive temperature measurement applications. The thermocouple sensor element is mounted into the thermowell and is typically spring loaded for positive contact to the bottom wall of the well.

Platinum (Noble Metal) Thermocouples

Platinum thermocouple temperature sensors, most commonly ANSI types R, S, and B, are precious metal sensor elements (noble metals) that are used primarily in high temperature measurement applications. The platinum thermocouple temperature sensors provide long, stable service where standard base metal thermocouple calibrations are inadequate.

Platinum (Noble Metal) Thermocouple Replacement Elements

The TENE Style Thermocouple temperature sensor is a noble metal element designed as a replacement for high temperature protection tube assemblies.

THERMOZONES staff can assist you with custom designed process thermocouple temperature sensors for whatever temperature measurement application requirement you have. Whether it be a modification of a standard thermocouple, a particular arrangement of temperature sensor elements, an environment requiring a unique protection tube or a space constraint.
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