Electric Immersion Heaters: Fluoropolymer (PTFE) Heaters
Product Code : PTE 0001
Compatible with virtually any chemistry. Sizes up to 27 kW. Large variety of standard and custom configurations for over the side and bottom installations.
Electric Immersion Heaters: Quartz Heaters
Product Code : PTE 0003
Ideal for most acidic chemistries. Metal grounded quartz sheathed heaters up to 30 kW. Polypropylene guards standard.
Electric Immersion Heaters: Metal Heaters
Product Code : PTE 0002
Variety of materials to match your application (titanium, 316 stainless, 304 stainless and plain steel). Sizes up to 54 kW. Standard and custom configurations for over the side and bottom installations.
Electric Immersion Heaters: Special Application Heaters
Product Code : PTE 0004
Unique or difficult applications are our specialty. Configurations available include: lab heaters, flexible riser heaters, phosphate heaters, deep tank heaters, VaripowerTM heaters, EasyPlugTM heaters, etc.
Electric Immersion Heaters: Screw Plug and Flanged Heaters Product Code : PTE 0006
Wide variety of heater types and features to fit virtually any application. Stainless, titanium, fluoropolymer and other materials. Sizes from ½" screw plug to 14" flanged.
Electric Immersion Heaters: Water Heaters
Product Code : PTE 0005
Excellent for DI spray rinse, precision cleaning and other applications. Electric inline water heaters with all titanium wetted parts. Sizes up to 144 kW.
Coils & Heat Exchangers: Inline Heat Exchangers
Product Code : PTE 1003
Engineered specifically to your needs. Spiral plate, tube-in-tube and other designs available. Variety of materials of construction.
Process Technology
Coils & Heat Exchangers: Metal Coils
Product Code : PTE 1001
Heat exchangers designed and built to your specific application, including simple "U" coils, single and multi bank grid coils, helical coils, serpentine coils, standard and custom designs. Wide variety of materials available.
Coils & Heat Exchangers: Fluoropolymer Coils
Product Code : PTE 1002
Excellent chemical compatibility. Rugged construction with perforated guards. Variety of sizes and configurations available.
Temperature Controls: Liquid Level Controls
Product Code : PTE 2002
Conductivity and capacitive style controls for the ultimate in reliability. Multi-level controls available. Can be packaged with temperature controls.
Temperature Controls
Product Code : PTE 2001
Sophisticated digital to simple non-indicating controls. Combination controls up to 150 amp capacity. Custom designed central control stations.
Magneto Coated Titanium Anode
Because of a very flexible production facility, we are able to manufacture anodes of all types: sheet, plate, mesh, wire, rod, tubular or combinations and/or assemblies of these materials. Their size and number vary from several cm2 to 2 m2 and from 1 to 10,000 pieces. The process in which the anodes are used determines size, shape and coating specification of an anode.
Important parameters determining the anode design are:
◆ The electrochemical cell or installation wherein the anodes are used
◆ The process conditions, such as electrolyte composition, temperature, current density, design life, etc.
◆ Mechanical load of the anode
◆ Capacity of electrical conductivity of the base material.
All anodes are produced according to customer specifications. When these specifications are not yet completely determined, our engineers are pleased to use their knowledge and experience to finalise the design together with the customer.
Main application areas
Anodes and coatings
Cathodic Protection
KERAMOX® Titanium anode
Platinised Titanium
Anodes based on Niobium or Tantalum
All round applicable
At high current densities, for example in sea water
High voltages or strongly corrosive electrolytes
Seawater electrolysis
KERAMOX® Titanium anode
Titanium with a Ruthenium Mixed Metal Oxide coating
Titanium with a Platinum-Iridium Oxide coating
Depending on amongst others temperature and
Titanium with an Iridium Mixed Metal Oxide coating
Platinised Titanium
In highly acidic environments such as:
◆Electro galvanising (zinc plating)
◆Anodising of Aluminium
◆Chromium, Nickel,Tin, etc. plating
◆Precious metal plating
◆Reverse pulse Copper plating
◆Hard Chromium plating
◆Precious metal plating
◆Water treatment
◆Platinised Titanium
◆Titanium with an Iridium Mixed Metal Oxide coating
◆Boron-Doped-Diamond anodes
◆Electro dialysis with polarity reversal
◆Recovery of metals
◆Oxidation and break-down of organic contaminations
◆Higher overpotentials,amongst others for disinfection
◆Hypo chlorite & Disinfection
◆Titanium with a Ruthenium Mixed Metal Oxide coating
◆Titanum with an Iridium Mixed Metal Oxide coating
◆Titanium with a Platinum-Iridium Oxide coating
◆Depending on salinity, polarity reversal and current density
◆Synthesis reactions
◆Platinised Titanium
◆Titanium with an Iridium Mixed Metal Oxide coating
◆Boron-Doped-Diamond anodes
◆Depending on the particular reaction
◆At higher overpotentials
◆Hydrogen production
◆Nickel electrodes with a precious metal coating
◆Coating process by means of exchange plating
◆The purpose is to decrease the over potentials